Our goal in 2025 for Crossroads is “CrossroadsStrong”.

If we as individuals commit to strengthen our personal relationships with God… what can happen in a minisrty?

The plan is in place… join us!

Crossroads Student Ministries


For over 20 years, Crossroads Student Ministries is our ministry 7th through 12th grade. Our goal is to help our students and families grow in a living relationship with Jesus Christ. To help them grow into a disciple of Christ and in turn help them lead others to Christ and discipleship.

We have multiple opportunities for our students to gather together on a weekly basis. Sunday morning at 9:15 we have DayOne. This is our traditional Sunday School time. This is a combined class of all our students with different leaders each week. This is our way of keeping our volunteer leaders fresh as well as giving our students the chance to hear different perspectives from young men and women, some who grew up in Crossroads. Our Sunday Evenings are called Circles. We have found that we live in circles. In these discussion based classes, our guys and girls are in separate classes and given the tools in how to grow in Christ and become true followers of Him. Our Midweek service is called Crossroads. Our student led praise team start our evening of in worship and then Kenny shares a message. Students from 7th grade to 12th as well as college students and Crossroads volunteers fill TheUpperRoom each week and worship.


Each summer Crossroads hits the beach. We invade the campus of Laguna Beach Christian Beach Retreat for a weekend we simply call the Crossroads Beach Retreat. A team of volunteers take on the task of preparing all the meals and snacks for this trip. No one ever goes hungry! Our team are also counselors for the student’s room and plan our game times as well as help in leading our sessions.

This trip is set up like a Disciple Now Weekend. Our students are broken into groups and are led in a specific themed study. This is an opportunity for us to hit the issues facing our students and adults as well as see how God addresses them in His word.

Each night we have worship led by the Crossroads Praise Team and a message brought by a special guest speaker. This trip is our chance to take a break from the busy summer and build our relationships with each other and with Christ.


Friendsgiving was an idea that came from a church in Georgia. After years of conferences, we decided to do something different. Something just for our students… no standing in lines, no trying to find late night meals, something just for us.

The week of our students Thanksgiving break Crossroads heads to a “primitive” setting. Meaning not much of a cell phone signal. Our students are separated into cabins by grade. Each cabin has counselors that not only watch out for them, but build relationships. Much like our Crossroads BeachRetreat, we fashion this trip like a D-NOW Weekend.

Our sessions are taught based on the them of the weekend. We try to involve former students in the role of leaders for our sessions. During this time our students are challenged and encouraged to move out of their comfort zone and become what God has called His church to be.

Our students are also split into teams where they create a name and have challenges through out the trip. Simple walks through the woods can land these students points, singing to “The First Lady of Crossroads” also lends to the points your team can get. At the end of the trip the winning team is given the greatest gifts that can be imagined from the local Dollar General.

For years during the MLK holiday weekend Crossroads has gone to the Strength To Stand weekend in Pigeon Forge.

The Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association presents the gospel through amazing concerts, worship and speakers this weekend.

Not only do our students and adults get the best music and message, they get a weekend in a cabin in the hills of Tennessee to grow closer to God and to each other.