

A ministry that was born from a desire for a husband to bring church to his homebound wife, West End Baptist audio visual team has become one of the fastest growing ministries in our church. For years we have had people who gave their time to record our Sunday Morning Service on VHS tape as well as audio cassettes. Today we produce weekly DVD’s of our services as well as a live stream service that is also archived through various media outlets. Weekly our team of volunteers coordinate our Sunday Mornings, that consist of a Sunday School class for our homebound as well as our Sunday morning worship. This team oversees our worship media, lighting, our audio production for our services in our worship center as well as our live streaming service.

God has blessed us with people who have given and give of their time, talents and treasure to grow our audio video ministries. We provide a live streaming service that is hosted on our church web site as well as on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Our service is also on a local radio station weekly. We also have team members that come and record the service to DVD’s and these are sent out to our homebound as well as people in our community.