
 After a summer of prayer, the Crossroads Class of 2022 have given us the challenge for the school year. How deep and your “roots” grow in 10 months?

We are so excited about the direction God is leading Crossroads with these amazing students. Join us in getting deep!

This graphic was created based on the vision of our seniors. Our desire is to not only become deeply rooted in Christ but to help other do the same.

There are 7 main roots coming from the Cross that symbolize our 7 seniors helping others grow toward Christ and as always, our ministry logo.

Order your shirt or shirts today. Students can sign up in TheUpperRoom for their gift shirt from Crossroads. Online orders are for Crossroads Alumni, CrossroadsParents, CrossroadsFamily and Friends.


Each shirt is $5.00 and the money will go toward the cost of the shirts. We will not have an online payment, so when the shirts arrive, Bro. Kenny will contact you and you can pay when you pick them up.