November 23-26 we will be going to Shocco Springs in Talladega, Al. This trip goes along with the Thanksgiving break. We are going to be joined by Clanton First Methodist this year!

Registration is LIVE now! Below is the registration form. The cost of this trip is around $200 per person. This will cover your room, food, theme shirt and snacks. If you have more than one student from your house going, then the cost per student is $150. We ask as always that you make your payment before we leave, so I will be taking payments as soon as you want to bring them in.

Parents and volunteers we need your help. With it being at Shocco our meals will be taken care of but we need chaperones, we will need snack folks and help with transportation. We will be taking both of our buses, but hopefully we will need more transportation! The cost for our parents/volunteers is covered, if you give me your time the least I can do is pay for your trip. Also, parents/volunteers if you have not done a Background Check through WEBC we must do this before you can go on a trip with us. Like always, I might not be able to take all the parents/adults that sign up, but we have a trip in January too, so if you don’t get in on this trip, we will get you in on our trip in January, or this upcoming Summer with Blackey, KY Mission Trip and our Beach Retreat.

As we get closer, I will be sending out a list of things you need and don’t need, a note of when we will leave and return.

Don’t miss out on this event.

Submitting this form, you agree to pay in full your trip by November 18th. If for some reason this trip is cancelled, you will be refunded your full amount. However, if you choose not to go after you have registered, you are responsible for your full payment.