We are accepting resumes for the Full Time position of Administrative Secretary. If you are interested in applying for this position in the WEBC Church Office, please send your resume to office@webconline.org. Once your resume is submitted a job description will be sent to you. Click here for a brief description of the position.

Click HERE for the link to fill out to participate in our Baby Dedication service which will be May 11th during our 10:30AM service!

Link to Register for VBS: https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/myEvent/?id=70737


West End is a church whose heart beats for people.
— James Watkins, Senior Pastor


A message from our Pastor

Welcome to West End Baptist Church.

We seek to reach all of Chilton County and our surrounding area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By meeting the needs of the community, our families and individuals through a fellowship that exemplifies the Love of Jesus Christ.

West End Baptist centers it’s Worship, it’s Work and it’s Walk around personal evangelism, dynamic praise and in-depth Bible Study. There are various ministries and programs within the church for every member of your family. You are invited and encouraged to become a part of the West End Baptist Church Fellowship. There is always room in our family for you!

James Watkins- Senior Pastor




Where are your services held?

Our campus is located at 2005 2nd Ave N. Clanton, Al 35045.

What time do you begin?

Sunday’s at West End :

Sunday School begins at 9:15 with Worship following at 10:30am in the Worship Center. Our Adults classes are all over our campus, so be sure to check with one of our greeters to find the class you are interested in. Our children, (birth - 6th grade) meet in the One Way Children’s wing and our youth meet in TheUpperRoom above our church office area. We meet at 5:00PM for Discipleship with our Worship @ One Way for our children, youth in TheUpperRoom for Circles and Adult Classes in our Education Wing. PM Worship begins at 6:00pm in our Worship Center.

Wednesday’s at West End:

Midweek services begin at 6:00pm for our Adults in the Worship Center and our Children in the Family Center. Our youth have MidWeek @ Crossroads at 6:30pm in TheUpperRoom.

Where do I go when I get there?

On Sundays in the grand foyer of our Worship Center we have visitor centers with people to assist you to class you are looking for. On Wednesdays, either the grand foyer of the Worship Center or the foyer of our Family Center you will find someone to help you find the class or worship area you are looking for.

What do you offer for children?

To find all our activities and opportunities for children ages birth through 6th grade, click here for our OneWay Children’s Ministry Page

What “kind” of worship do you have?

We don’t have a particular “kind” of worship, we just want to worship. Our worship is a mix of hymns and praise songs. Whether you want to stand or sit, clap along or just soak it in, our goal is to lead you through the worship of our Savior and prepare you for the message our pastor will bring.

Is there a dress code?

At any given service you will see some people in suits sitting beside someone in jeans and a t-shirt. Wear what makes you comfortable.